Welcome to my first Blog, I hope you enjoy reading it. With this blog, I will write about lots of different topics relating to lingerie and how you wear it. I will also offer my expertise and advice on everything that you need to know about your lingerie wardrobe.
I will begin with these very frequently asked questions:
• Why should we get fitted for Lingerie?
• How important is it?
• Are there key Tips we should know about proper bra fitting?
As a qualified fitter, I am always a little surprised at how many of us women don’t get fitted for lingerie or have never been fitted for a proper bra. Believe me, it is not as scary as you might imagine and I promise, once you have had that first proper fitting you will feel and look amazing.
Getting fitted for the perfect fitting bra is so important and it is something we should do every 3-6 months. Every day I get asked, ‘why so often?’
Women are like the weather! Our weight can change so much. We can increase and decrease on a weekly basics and a 5lb increase or decrease can change your bra size. Our breasts can increase with our time of month, when we go through the menopause and even if we are on medication, by 2-3 cups sizes!
Remember ladies, the weight of your breast is held on your back, it s not held by your straps. The straps can only lift the breast so if you’re a full cup (D cup onwards) then the bra SHOULD be tight at the back to hold the weight of the breasts, as a bra can only loosen from wear.
All stores fit for bras differently. My best advice to anyone who wants that proper fit is to go to an expert fitter and visit a dedicated lingerie store, as we carry a full range of sizes and styles and offer a full one-on-one fitting service. At Belle Femme Lingerie, we carry from size 28 back to 46 and our cups go from A-K. We also measure organically – without the use of a measuring tape.
Who would tell you your bra is not right on you? Your best friend? Your Mam? Let me tell you there is nothing more honest than a photo to tell you the truth! So ladies look at the most recent picture of yourself and see where those breasts are.
Some pictures to illustrate this point below:
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The left image shows that the bra the lady is wearing makes her look very full and bigger than she actually is. The picture on the right shows a nice lift to the breast and she looks smaller, showing her waist.
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This is a very everyday look for us all; I see this in the fitting room all the time. The picture on the left shows how small the bra is, which has given this lady the ‘4 breast effect’. Once fitted right, you can see on the right hand side that the breast is lifted up and again makes her appear slimmer.
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Up close, I wanted to show you with this picture what a difference a proper fitting bra is making to this lady. A proper fitting bra can take up to 7lb off your body.
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Here are some key tips to remember when getting fitting:
• Bring a t-shirt to see your new shape in the new bra.
• Don’t get fitted if it’s your time of month, wait until after it.
• We are all wearing a back size too big, but the breast needs to be supported by the back so tighten up on the back, as the bra can only loosen with age.
• We don’t need a wardrobe full of bras, as we can change shape in 3-6 months so get fitted within that time frame.
• Don’t always buy the same style bra, different bras can give us different shapes for different styles clothes.
Happy bra Shopping!
Bridget x
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